Leiden Unuversity Office Tokyo


オランダ国ライデン大学 (1575年設立) は、オランダ最古、ヨーロッパでも最も古い総合大学のひとつであり、欧州研究大学連盟発足時(2002年)からの加盟大学です。

日本とは、17世紀にまでさかのぼる長い関係があり、オランダ東インド会社(VOC)に雇われて長崎の出島に滞在し、日本についての著作を残した人たちも、多くはライデン大学で学んでいます。そして、シーボルトの弟子のヨハン・ヨゼフ・ホフマンを初代日本語教授とした世界初の日本学講座を開設(1855年) しました。幕末から明治にかけて日本の近代化に貢献する西周や津田真道ら幕府派遣留学生もライデン大学で学び、以来今日まで、多くの日本人留学生・研究者を迎え入れています。






International Workshop on Japanese Poster 1
International Workshop on Japanese Poster 2
Sugar and the Indian Ocean World

上掲の国際研究集会で取上げた『Sugar and the Indian Ocean World: Trade and Consumption in the Eighteenth-Century Persian Gulf」(砂糖とインド洋世界ー18世紀ペルシャ湾における交易と消費ー)は、ブルームズベリー社 (英国)より刊行(2024.8)されています。

Leiden University Office Tokyo

Leiden University (1575) is the oldest university in the Netherlands and one of the oldest in Europe. It is a founding member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). The university has a long history of involvement with Japan, dating back to the seventeenth century, when quite a few Leiden alumni worked in, and published about Japan in the service of the Dutch East India Company. The university prides itself on having the oldest department of Japanese studies in the world, established in 1855 when Johann Joseph Hoffman, a disciple of the famous Philipp Franz von Siebold, was appointed professor in the Japanese language. Also the first Japanese to study abroad at the end of the Edo period, such as Nishi Amane and Tsuda Mamichi, went to study at Leiden University, which until today welcomes many Japanese students and researchers.

From 1975 through 2011, Leiden University conducted its academic exchange programs with Japan for students and researchers from all disciplines mainly through the Japan-Netherlands Institute (Nichi-Ran Gakkai), which also played an essential role in the study of the historical relations between Japan and the Netherlands.

After the closure of the institute, Leiden University obtained in March 2012 the understanding of Chuo City in central Tokyo and the support of the Corts Foundation, a Dutch foundation which focuses on the research, preservation, and opening up of historical sources concerning the Dutch presence in Asia, to set up a new representative office, the Leiden University Office Tokyo (LUOT), in order to maintain its relations with Japan and its many Japanese sister-universities, to continue several existing research programs, and to support the field of Asian Studies which are a priority at Leiden University. In November 2012, the office was officially opened with an international symposium.

On 31 March 2023, the doors of the Leiden University Office Tokyo finally physical office has been closed, we intend to move all our activities fully online basis.

Main activities